

  • Balancing Equations
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Classification of Reactions
  • Decomposition
  • Dimensional analysis
  • Endothermic and Exothermic reactions
  • Law of Conservation of Mass
  • Limiting Reactant
  • Molarity
  • Mole Concept
  • Mole to mole ratios
  • Observations
  • Percent yield
  • Stoichiometry
  • Theoretical Yield


From the conclusion of this unit, students should be able to Teacher Preparation: See individual resources. The AACT school classroom resource library has all you want to put together a unit plan for the classroom: lessons, activities, labs, projects, videos, simulations, and animations. We constructed a unit plan using AACT resources which is designed to teach the concepts of stoichiometry and limiting reactants. High School This unit supports students’ understanding.


  • Apply a specific problem solving method to successfully fix any stoichiometry problem.
  • Balance a compound equation using whole number coefficients.
  • Define and determine the limiting and excess reactants in a chemical reaction.
  • Ascertain the amount of a reactant or product given that the amount of a product or reactant
  • Extend the notion of limiting reactant in the real-life situation to a chemical equation.
  • Identify a response as endothermic or exothermic predicated on lab observations.
  • Identify and calculate the mass and moles of the excess reactant in a chemical reaction.
  • Understand the idea of stoichiometry and execute mole-mole, mole-mass, and mass-mass stoichiometry problems.
  • Comprehend the significance of stoichiometry within a commercial setting.
  • Use a graphic organizer to build a solution to a stoichiometry problem.
  • Use dimensional analysis to complete stoichiometry, percent yield, and theoretical yield calculations.
  • Utilize stoichiometry to confirm the reaction observed.
  • Visualize what’s occurring in a chemical response concerning limiting and excess reactants using particulate diagrams.


Refer to the substances list given with each individual activity.


Refer to the security instructions given with every individual activity.

Teacher Notes

  • The actions shown below are listed in the order that they should be completed.
  • The amount of activities you use will depend upon the degree of students you are teaching.
  • The teacher notes, student handouts, and additional materials can be accessed on the webpage for each individual activity.
  • Please be aware that the majority of these tools are AACT member benefits.

Classroom Resources:


  • Depending upon the degree of your students, select among the following lesson plans to teach them the way to solve stoichiometry problems.
  • The lesson, Map It Out! This six step process involves differentiating the unknown and known materials writing a balanced equation, picking out the correct mole ratio, determining the path using conversion factors and calculating the yield.
  • The Stoichiometry Set-up Method lesson plan shows students how to follow a practice of visual cues in combination with a step-by-step problem solving procedure for different types of stoichiometric problems. This method may be particularly beneficial for students who struggle with finishing calculations.
  • For more advanced students, use the The best way to do Stoichiometry Issues lesson, that includes a collection of templates for doing stoichiometry problems. The lesson also contains a practice worksheet for students to use to practice using the templates.
  • Utilize the simulation Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometryto give your pupils extra practice on the subjects of response types, balancing equations, and stoichiometry calculations. The simulation is set up as a short quiz which includes five kinds of chemical reaction that pupils need to identify and equilibrium. They are requested to complete one of these types of stoichiometry problems: mass-mole, mole-mole, mole-mass, mass-mass, mole-molecule, atoms-mass, or molecule-mass.
  • Follow your lesson up with the Baking Soda Stoichiometry lab that permits students to decompose baking soda and use stoichiometry to find out the suitable balanced chemical equation of its decomposition.
  • Then utilize the Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry simulation to give your students more training employing a quiz that challenges their knowledge of response types, balancing equations and solving stoichiometry problems. During this quiz students are presented with five distinct responses to test, each using three questions to answer. So pupils will not have the exact same sequence as their peers, the questions are randomized. There are 20 potential chemical equations at the bible, so students may complete it several times without receiving exactly the same problems.
  • Ultimately, connect stoichiometry to actual life with the Stoichiometry of Air Bags lesson program which connects the idea of gram to g stoichiometry calculations via a situation associated with air bags. Pupils are tasked with calculating the amount of sodium gas (NaN3) that has to be made to inflate a vehicle air bag to the correct size. Practice issues are supplied.

Limiting Reactant

  • Introduce the topic with the Limiting Reactant Cartoon that permits students to visualize at the particulate level what happens at a limiting reactant issue. A number of limiting scenarios are revived, such as a simple illustration of how to build a bike to introduce the idea of limiting reactant. Conservation of mass can be demonstrated by calculating masses.
  • You may like to use one of our instructor presentations to present the topic to your students.
  • Pupils observe a series of reactions involving acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate in Zip-lock luggage with all the Introducing Limiting Reactants demonstration. Students examine the outcomes in order in addition to the amounts of reactants used after observing the reactions. They will decide if the response is an endothermic or exothermic process based on their observations.
  • The demonstration, Understanding Limiting Reactants is a comparable source, performing a series of reactions between acetic acid and varying quantities of sodium bicarbonate to be able to inflate a number of bows. Pupils observe the reactions and examine the results in order to comprehend the notion of limiting reactants in addition to the amounts of reactants used.
  • Follow up using one or more of these hands-on activities for your pupils.
  • The lab, Limiting Reactant in a Balloon, allows students to perform a reaction between acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate to determine the amount of product formed and also the limiting reactant.
  • Students may also investigate the idea of limiting reactant using a brownie recipe with the action, Limiting Reactants in Brownies.
  • At a similar lab, Limiting Reactant Chocolate , students use candy to help them comprehend what is meant with the term,”limiting reactant” and identify it in a non-chemistry situation.
  • Yet another action, Cookie Stoichiometry, has students answer stoichiometry related questions utilizing a chocolate chip cookie recipe.
  • Should you teach pupils who struggle with completing calculations, then they may gain in the Map to Solving Limiting Reactant Problems lesson, which shows them how to follow a step-by-step problem solving procedure for limiting reactant stoichiometry problems.
  • Follow-up calculations with the Limiting Reactant Activity to give your students practice drawing particle diagrams to demonstrate stoichiometry and limiting reactants.
  • Finish the subject using the Limiting Reactant Lab, where pupils react copper (II) chloride with aluminum to ascertain the limiting reactant then isolate one product to ascertain the percent yield.
  • Utilize the activity, Calculating Your Carbon Footprint to assess your student’s understanding of this topic. In this activity, pupils apply their knowledge of writing and balancing stoichiometry calculations in addition to chemical equations reflect in their carbon footprint and then to gauge their carbon footprint and exactly what it means.
  • Pupils create a stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases to establish a soda bottle rocket at the Launching Rockets laboratory. Besides student activity sheets, this resource includes video instructions comprehensive teacher notes and NGSS alignment.
  • The lesson program, Mechanisms and Properties of Airbags, educates students about the mechanics and properties of airbags, and assesses the choice of airbag inflator from many points of view. This lesson is part of the tools put together from the 2016 AACT-Ford Content Writing Team and comprises NGSS alignment along with links to many short videos about airbags.
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